There are different banner sizes available just like in the traditional press positions. On a web site these have different names such as Leaderboards, Buttons or Skyscrapers.

Approved Media Formats

    GIF, Animated GIF , JPEG or Flash visuals

    • Leader Boards
      - 728 x 90 pixels
      - 30k maximum file size

    • Buttons
      - 160 x 160 pixels
      - 15k maximum file size

    • SkyScrapers
      - 160 x 600 pixels
      - 35k maximum file size

    Flash Banners Specification

      Flash banners don’t do better CTR than GIF or JPEG visuals, at the contrary. Our statistics show that static banners or very short animations simply perform better...

    • When creating flash banners, you must first create a transparent button on the first layer and place an action directly on that button :

      on (release) {
         getURL("", "_blank");
    • If you encounter problems creating your flash visuals, you may also refer to the Macromedia Flash guidelines.
    • Newsletter Format

        Delivered onces a month to + 70,000 opt-in subscribers.
        HTML text up to 250 visibles characters (excluding HTML tags)

        Sending your Banners

        • First, you must follow the Banner Format specifications.
        • Every banner requires a working redirect URL provided with the banner. The link can be to your main website or to a specific page within your site.
        • We strongly suggest to supply at least three differents versions of your visuals to rotate for each campaign. 440Network will accept up to five banners per campaign at no extra charge and visitors are more likely to see new creative as they move through the site.
        • Moreover, we recommend to print new banners every 3-4 weeks for an average 3 months campaign.
        • How to Increase Your Click-Through Rate (CTR)

            People click on ads for different reasons that includes curiosity, discounts, coupons, and most important, product interest. A lot of curiosity is generated from a user’s general interest in a product or service. For example, a banner with only the message "Speed Up Your Internet Connection" drew in users curious about upgrading their connection speed... Ads offering product discounts and coupons are more attractive to users than those offering chances to win merchandise, cash points towards purchases, etc. Users are more interested in concrete discounts than they are in a chance of winning a trip to Hawaii.

            There are many specific ways to increase your Click-Through Rates. Here are some basics to consider as you design your banners :
          • Flash banners don’t do better CTR than GIF or JPEG visuals, at the contrary. Our statistics show that static banners or very short animations simply perform better. They are also much easier to create.
          • Fast loading banners work best. Don’t overemphasize design; rather focus mainly on reducing the file size and delivering a "catchy" message.
          • Use as large a font as possible. Larger headlines pulled better than small headlines in a recent study, but this also points to the importance of keeping the message simple.
          • Include "click here" on your banner. This may seem obvious, but some studies have shown this simple addition can significantly increase response. An other study reported that placing "click here" on the right side pulled 15% better than on the left.
          • About Click-Through Rate

              Click-Through Rates are certainly the most common way to measure the advertisers campaign efficiency, though it simply indicates the percentage of visitors who have clicked on a specific banner. Nevertheless, while CTR measures only one step in the online advertising process, it is critical to look beyond clicks and CTR when evaluating your campaigns. The Internet is an extremely effective media for increasing brand awareness and recall.

              Industry analysts have published unexpected reports putting upfront that there are more conversions from users who only viewed an ad but did not click through, compared to users who clicked. This exposes some important conclusions:
            • The potential ROI impact of Internet advertising is greater than previously thought, because advertisers only track sales from clicks and tend to ignore the brand impact on sales.
            • Advertisers who base their decisions only analyzing users Clic-Through Rates (CTR) may miss important effects of their campaigns efficiency, including the impact of an impression on the propensity to convert.